#1 23/09/2015 19h35
- stokes
- Exclu définitivement
- Réputation : 284
En ces temps ou Volkswagen défraie la chronique, je vous livre copie du message que j’ai reçu il y a quelques jours après avoir manifeste mon intérêt pour un véhicule C5 à la vente en Allemagne :
Dear Customer,
The car that you are interested in before have been sold. We can offer you another car. This car just arrived in our stock.
Citroën C5 HDi 140 FAP Exclusive - Only for a Quick Sale - Export Price: € 4,500.00
* Registration: 03/2009
* Kilometers: 150.000 KM
* Engine: 1995 cm³
* Power: 103 kW (140 PS)
* Transmission: Manual
* Fuel Type: Diesel
* EURO: 5
The car was ordered for a client of ours Regional Company in Poland. Unfortunately after paying a deposit, he changed his mind and wanted another car. According to the general terms of International AGB, we sell the car at a price due.
• We Import/Export cars from Germany to whole Europe.
• International Factory warranty available (1 Year+).
• German Documents (Vehicle Registration / Export Documents).
• There aren’t any technical defect or damage of any kind on the car.
• The car will be provided with Custom Export Plates for 10 days (including insurance).
• Guaranteed Kilometers are real.
• (TÜV) is good until 2017
• Handler Certified Quality.
• We can make Delivery Transport within 5 days.
Where are you from ? You are a company or a private buyer ? For further information you can contact us. I write using a translation program. I hope you understand what I wrote.
Best Regards,
Pawel Alexander
Monday to Saturday: 10:00 am 18:00 pm
Tel: +49 (0) 151 75863507
Fax: +49 (0) 322 21413381
www.braasch-gruppe.de / Volkswagen Zentrum Oldenburg GmbH - Gebrauchtfahrzeuge in Oldenburg - Vertragshändler-Seat, Vertragshändler-Volkswagen
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Oldenburg / Handelsregisternr.: HRB 53
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnr: DE117479016
Volkswagen Zentrum Oldenburg GmbH - Gebrauchtfahrzeuge- Volkswagen Group AG ®™
General Manager Selling Department & Transport: Pawel Alexander
VAT Registration No: DE115235681, Registered Office: D-38436 Wolfsburg
Company Commercial Register Number: HRB100484
et la suite qui ne manque pas d’air :
Is a german car with german documents. The car was prodcued in France .
The car have no accident. Yes, the car have COC and it is in a super condition.
We can offer you 6 months extra warranty. We can deliver the car to Paris for total price of 4,900 EUR, Including temporary plates for 10 days.
If you want to place an order to purchase car we need the following information before they can be processed:
ID/Passport COPY:
- To benefit from the legal Sale Contract, you need to send (50%) of the total price.
- The remaining payment of (50%) will be paid after the car is delivered.
- Our company delivers the car to your delivery address at no additional cost.
- After you inspect the car and something bothers you, we can terminate the contract and transporting back to our office on our money. In this case, our company will refund you the 50% at no extra cost.
- Once we have your information, the proforma invoice will be emailed to you so we can move forward with our transaction.
Note: Shipping will be made in maximum 48 hours after payment is received.
Payment method: Bank Transfer
En résumé on me demandait de verser un acompte de 50% sur un véhicule que je n’avais jamais vu ni essaye en me promettant de me le livrer à la maison et de me rembourser mon acompte si je n’en voulais pas ! !
A ce message étaient joints une quinzaine de photos de cette C5, la copie du contrôle technique et de la carte grise.
Le prix étant fort intéressant, j’ai proposé de me rendre en Allemagne à Oldenburg pour essayer le véhicule : depuis lors, plus le moindre signe de vie du dénommé Pawel Alexander.
Je peux me tromper, mais je suis convaincu que l’individu voulait m’extorquer quelques milliers d’euros pour une voiture que je n’aurais jamais vue….
Conclusion ; méfiez-vous des belles occasions allemandes que l’on vous demande d’acheter sans voir autrement qu’en photos.
Mots-clés : arnaque, leboncoin, voiture d'occasion allemande
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