Je suis tombé sur ce petit livre aujourd’hui The little black book of scams édité apparemment par le gouvernement australien.
L’arnaque à la PME y figure page 24
How the scam works
Scams targeting small businesses come in all sorts of guises and are
likely to strike at the busiest times, like the end of the financial year.
A false billing scam is the most common trick scammers use
against small businesses. Scammers issue fake bills for unwanted
or unauthorised listings, advertisements, products or services. The
business directory scam is a well-known example, where you receive
a bill for a listing in a supposedly well-known directory. Scammers
trick you to sign up by disguising the offer as an outstanding invoice
or a free listing, but with a hidden subscription agreement in the
fine print.
The domain name scam is another ploy used by scammers,
where you are deceived into signing up for an unsolicited internet
domain registration very similar to your own. You may also receive
a fake renewal notice for your actual domain name and pay
without realising.
mais également les arnaques sur les investissements
Investment scams come in many forms including business ventures,
superannuation schemes, managed funds and the sale or purchase
of shares or property. Scammers dress up ‘opportunities’ with
professional looking brochures and websites to mask their fraudulent
operations. They often begin with a phone call or email out of the
blue from a scammer offering a ‘not-to-be-missed’, ‘high return’
or ‘guaranteed’ opportunity. The scammer usually operates from
overseas, and will not have an Australian Financial Services licence
voilà plein d’idées de business pour les lecteurs peu scrupuleux !