Retour du gestionnaire de la procédure de réclamation concernant un éventuel autre paiement : ”Thank you for your inquiry. The check you received was for a partial distribution of the ARCP Settlement Fund. It represented 30% of your recognized loss as calculated by the Court-approved Plan of Allocation, which is provided on pages 5-12 of the Notice of Settlement you received. As explained in the Notice of Settlement, the distributions we will be making, and have made, from the Settlement Fund will not cover 100% of each class members recognized loss but will be paid on a pro rata basis to each valid class member claim. We are still working to finalize all the claims received – over 60,000 of them. At this time we cannot advise for certain when the final distribution of the remaining settlement funds will occur, nor can we provide estimates of future payment amounts, but our goal is to get that money out as soon as possible"