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#301 05/09/2024 21h17

Membre (2021)
Réputation :   2  

Par curiosité, pour ma culture personnelle: c’est une société européenne mais qui émet en dollars. Pourquoi? Ça leur permet de toucher plus d’investisseurs?

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#302 05/09/2024 21h35

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Surement … dont les "gros" come les gerants et fonds de pension … et etfs…

Mais les grosses boites américaines émettent aussi en diverses devises…comme l’AUD et le GBP en plus de l’euro/USD …

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[+1]    #303 05/09/2024 21h40

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Cela a également pour objectif de faire un hedge naturel : les entreprises qui reportent en EUR et qui ont des actifs et revenus en USD vont émettre pour des obligations en USD pour avoir un passif et des coûts en USD.

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#304 06/09/2024 09h15

Membre (2021)
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OK pour le retour.

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#305 10/09/2024 09h45

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New issues: HSBC Holdings plc issued international bonds (US404280EJ42, US404280EH85) in the amount of USD 1150, USD 1350 mln

US404280EJ42    HSBC Holdings PLC    USD    6,95 perp min 200k USD ?
US404280EH85    HSBC Holdings PLC    USD    6,88 perp

Coupon sorti à 6.85% junior sub perp … start=1290 

Denomination: EUR200k + EUR200k
ISIN/Common Code BE0390152180 / 288937117

ISIN: XS2900282133
Interest:Fixed Interest Rate until the First Reset Date;thereafter: every 5 years interest rate reset at Reference Rate + Initial Margin + relevant step-ups
Step-ups: 25bps from 13 December 2034 (First Step-up Date); 100bps (additional 75bps) from 13 December 2049 (Second Step-up Date)

min ? Cette Bayer je ne la trouve pas encore sur IB… par contre

Moody’s Ratings assigns Baa3 rating to Bayer’s proposed hybrids, outlook negative


Dernière modification par sissi (10/09/2024 10h46)

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#306 11/09/2024 11h32

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1. Bayer 5.5% euros 2054 call 2029 Junior SUB

Anleihenboard - Anmelden

New BAYER :Interest Payment Dates: 13 December (first short coupon)
First Optional Redemption Date: 13 September 2029
First Reset Date: 13 December 2029
Interest:Fixed Interest Rate until the First Reset Date; thereafter: every 5 years interest rate reset at Reference Rate + Initial Margin+ relevant step-ups
Step-ups: 25bps from 13 December 2034 (First Step-up Date); 100bps (additional 75bps) from 13 December 2049 (Second Step-up Date)
Fixed Interest Rate: Payable annually in arrear on 13 December in each year from and including the Issue Date to but excluding the First Reset Date (short first coupon). Act/Act (ICMA), following unadjusted

min 100k euros

2. NEW ISSUE SUBORDINATED EUR: Telefónica, S.A. Baa2/BB/BB+ PERPNC2031 Yield Talk: 5.25%
ISIN / Temporary ISIN XS2646608401 / XS2901990429

3. Nouvelle emission de boite colombienne PAS une sub

Termocandelaria Power US88087AAA60, 7.75% min 200k USD

TERMOC – Termocandelaria announced a new $425mn bullet 7NC3 senior unsecured bond issuance rated BB (Fitch and S&P) with IPT in the low to mid 8% area. The company will use proceeds from the issuance to fund the tender at 102 (including 5 points for early tender premium) for any and all of its existing 7.875% 2029s ($417.2mn outstanding).

Termocandelaria is a Colombia based thermal generator operating through two subsidiaries, Termocandelaria (TECAN/100%) and Termobarranquilla (TEBSA/57.4%) that tougher have 1,529MW of installed capacity and generate ~30% of electricity demand in Colombia’s Atlantic coast. In 2023, the company closed the cycle The company’s assets are strategic to Colombia’s Atlantic coast as its gas fired capacity supports peak demand and is dispatched during dry periods that impact hydro plants. The company benefits from out-of-merit generation due to transmission bottlenecks in Colombia’s northern coast and from USD linked cash flows through fixed reliability charges. The conclusion of the combined cycle at Termocandelaria in 2023 should drive revenue and EBITDA higher going forward.

Termocandelaria’s LTM 2Q24 revenue at $1.46bn, compares to 2023’s $1.1bn and 2022’s $699mn and reflect the impact of El Nino that reduces hydrology, leads to higher thermal generation and results in higher spot prices as well as the closing of the cycle at Termocandelaria in 2023. Similarly, LTM 2Q24 EBITDA at $519mn compares to 2023’s $387mn and 2022’s $248mn. The company reported total debt at 2Q24 of $597mn and cash of $148mn for net debt of $449mn and gross and net leverage of 1.2x and 0.9x, respectively. Given the new issuance will not add incremental debt due to the tender, proforma leverage will remain unchanged.

Dernière modification par sissi (11/09/2024 11h44)

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#307 11/09/2024 17h45

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Il faut être chez forcément chez IB pour avoir le droit d’acheter ce genre de produits ? Comme je m’y attendais, Saxo ne reconnait pas ces codes ISIN.
Ca m’aurait bien plu de compléter mon portefeuille Rendement avec quelques preferred.

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#308 11/09/2024 18h02

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Réputation :   1459  

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Pour les valeurs Européennes, il y a SwissQuote et GoldWasserExchange qui donnent accès à pas mal d’obligations.

Dernière modification par Oblible (11/09/2024 18h03)

Parrain Interactive Brokers (par MP) - Déclaration fiscale IBKR Degiro Trade Republic  - Parrain Qonto (par MP) -- La bible des obligations

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#309 12/09/2024 08h46

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Nouvelle emission sur Francfort et

Aviva PLC 6,125% 24/54 min 100k GBP sub
ISIN: XS2866204691
Aviva PLC 6,125% 24/54 Bond | A3L3H6 | XS2866204691 | Price

BNP Paribas-Anleihe: 7,375% sub call 2034 min ? 200k USD ?
BP455E | BNP Paribas-Anleihe: 7,375 % (unbefristet) |

"NEW ISSUE EM USD: FIEMEX ENERGIA ( Fideicomiso de Inversion en Energia Mexico) (FIEMEX) Baa3/BBB/BBB- 16.4YR YIELD TALK: 7.625% min 200k USD
Ranking:Senior Secured Notes"
144a: US05974EAA82 / 05974E AA8 | Reg S: USP0R12RAA88 / P0R12R AA8
México emite un bono de 1.353 millones de euros para pagar las 13 plantas de Iberdrola en el país

Interessant de voir le yoyo de l’obligation Societe Generale sub perp emise en mars 2024
Société Générale S.A. 8,5% ISIN: USF8500RAD47 min 200k USD Tier 1
Société Générale S.A. 8,5% Anleihe | A3LWGP | USF8500RAD47 | Kurs
Koupon von 8.5% ist fixiert bis zur ersten Call Möglichkeit in 2034 (März bzw September) , wenn nicht gecalled würde, dann wird neu fixiert (meine für 5 Jahre) mit 5yr UST + 415bps
= coupon fixe de 8.5% jusqu’en 2034 puis pour les 5 années suivantes 5 ans + 415 bps

Dernière modification par sissi (12/09/2024 11h53)

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#310 12/09/2024 14h29

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Nouvelle emission

Bank of Ireland Group-Anleihe: 6,375% euro call 2030 a  99,35 % sur Stuttgart
ISIN XS2898168443 notée Ba1, emetteur IG
A3L3BA | Bank of Ireland Group-Anleihe: 6,375 % (unbefristet) |

min ?

Dernière modification par sissi (12/09/2024 14h34)

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#311 12/09/2024 14h34

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Réputation :   1459  

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Montant minimum : 200.000 EUR, comme pour la plupart des nouvelles émissions sad

Dernière modification par Oblible (12/09/2024 14h35)

Parrain Interactive Brokers (par MP) - Déclaration fiscale IBKR Degiro Trade Republic  - Parrain Qonto (par MP) -- La bible des obligations

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#312 12/09/2024 20h59

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EDF announces the success of its multi-tranche green hybrid bond issue for a nominal amount of 1.15 billion euros and 500 million sterling
On 10 September 2024, EDF (BBB positive S&P / Baa1 stable Moody’s / BBB+ stable Fitch) successfully priced a
new issuance of green
• • •
perpetual subordinated notes (the “New Notes”):
at an initial 5.125% coupon until 2029 with a 5.25-year first call date at EDF’s discretion; at an initial 5.625% coupon until 2032 with a 8-year first call date at EDF’s discretion;
at an initial 7.375% coupon until 2035 with a 11-year first call date at EDF’s discretion.
€500 million bond,
€650 million bond,
£500 million bond, … 9.2024.pdf

It is expected that the rating agencies will assign the New Notes a rating of B+/Ba1/ /BBB- (S&P/ Moody’s/Fitch) and an equity content of 50%.

FR001400SMS8    Electricite de France S.A. (E.D.F.)    EUR    5,13 % perp call 2029
FR001400SMT6    Electricite de France S.A. (E.D.F.)    EUR    5,63 % perp call 2032
FR001400SMR0    Electricite de France S.A. (E.D.F.)    GBP    7,38 % perp call 2035 … k2rpnpoq81

On suppose des grosses tranches … a verifier sur Stuttgart demain !

Dernière modification par sissi (12/09/2024 22h19)

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#313 13/09/2024 09h59

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La nouvelle Bayer 5.5% euros 2054 call 2029 Junior SUB min 100k vient d’apparaitre sur Francfort ISIN: XS2900282133
Bayer AG 5,5% 24/54 Bond | A383Q8 | XS2900282133 | Price

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#314 14/09/2024 16h55

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Les HYBRIDES de EDF sont bien des tranches min de 200k euros !

Electricite de France perp | A3L3G6 | Börse Stuttgart (XSTU)

Dernière modification par sissi (14/09/2024 16h55)

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#315 Hier 18h09

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Un article sur interessant sur les Hybrides dans Global Capital : pour ceux qui y ont acces

J’ai pu le lire mais pas faire du copier/coller hélas

"New style hybrids give rating agencies power over investors"

Ca s’applique bien a Bayer qui n’a rien a y gagner
Anleihenboard - Anmelden

Aussi en IG

Aptiv/Aptiv Global Financing DAC 6,875% 15.12.2054 call 2029 min 200k USD noté Baa2
ISIN US03837AAD28 … ac-anleihe

Dernière modification par sissi (Hier 18h55)

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