1 #26 06/02/2015 08h21
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La réponse à la question "faut il mettre un tracker Immo" en plus d’un tracker monde n’est pas définitive.
Dans le tracker monde vous avez déjà le secteur Immo (les REITS), donc il s’agirait de surpondérer ce secteur, mais alors pourquoi ne pas en surpondérer un autre ?
Peut être parce que l’immobilier côté est presque une autre classe d’actifs, moins corrélée avec le reste des actions. Mais ça ne s’est pas toujours vérifié.
Les experts en gestion de portefeuille ont plutôt tendance à surpondérer les REITS.
Placementpapa, la relation entre croissance économique et des actions n’est pas si simple ; il a même été démontré qu’elle est anticorrellée à moyen terme.
Sur le plus long terme, je citerais Jeremy Siegel (en 2001).
Jeremy Siegel a écrit :
An analysis of the historical relationships among real stock returns, P/Es, earnings growth, and dividend yields and an awareness of the biases justify a future P/E of 20 to 25, an economic growth rate of 3 percent, expected real returns for equities of 4.5–5.5 percent, and an equity risk premium of 2 percent (200 bps)
Et dans son livre, mis à jour régulièrement : Stocks for the long rune
Siegel a écrit :
One might wonder how the real growth of per-share earnings could exceed the long-run real growth of the entire economy, which is at most 3 percent per year. This is because per-share earnings are not the same as total earnings. With a 2 percent dividend yield, firms have sufficient cash flow to repurchase their shares. In fact, if all the increased cash flow caused by the reduction in the payout ratio were used for share repurchases, the number of shares would fall at 2 percent per year. In this case, aggregate real earnings can grow at 3 percent at the same time per-share earnings are growing at 5 percent.
It is true that aggregate earnings cannot grow forever at a rate faster than the growth rate of the
economy. If that were the case, it would mean corporate profits would grow so large as to squeeze
out all other forms of compensation, such as wages, salaries, and rents. Yet it is perfectly possible for per-share earnings to grow forever at a rate faster than the overall economy.
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