#101 27/02/2018 12h57
- Queenstown
- Membre (2016)
- Réputation : 100
@ Political: Donc si je résume bien, vous dites que l’impact d’un parc électrique a 50,60 ou 70% d’ici à 20 ans sera nul pour la consommation électrique ou à la marge ? J’ai un peu de mal a le croire très honnetement quand on parle de 9 millions de voitures rien qu’en Angleterre sans compter les bus, camions, bateaux (si si) voire avions.. (voir message ci dessous)
Après effectivement le problème se posera surtout a 18h30 l’hiver quand tout le monde rentrera charger sa voiture et c’est justement la qu’une société comme Centrica aura un énorme avantage pour maximiser le pricing et apporter de la valeur ajoutée aux consommateurs.
Mais si vous pensez que le futur c’est le pétrole et le diesel pas de problème
A dramatic growth in electric vehicles on Britain’s roads could see peak electricity demand jump by more than the capacity of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station by 2030, according to National Grid.
The number of plug-in cars and vans could reach 9m by 2030, up from around 90,000 today, said the company, which runs the UK’s national transmission networks for electricity and gas.
The impact of charging so many cars’ batteries would be to reverse the trend in recent years of falling electricity demand, driven by energy efficiency measures such as better refrigerators and LED lighting.
If electric vehicles were not charged smartly to avoid peaks and troughs in power demand, such as when people return home between 5pm and 6pm, peak demand could be as much as 8GW higher in 2030, National Grid said.
In all of the scenarios, new nuclear power stations are assumed to be built and the capacity of interconnectors that provide backup power from Europe rises from 4GW now to between 10GW and 19GW in 2030.
you can't climb the ladders of success with your hands in your pockets
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