Quelques extraits du transcript de la conférence des investisseurs du 7/11 :
A priori les difficultés rencontrés sur certains couloirs ne sont pas dues à la concurrence des transferts électronique mais à la concurrence d’autres transferts physiques :
Western Union a écrit :
And one of the things also I will like to mention that we think we are losing market share in the certain corridors to the traditional money transfer companies. It’s not like we are losing market share to digital. The reason why I am saying that is westernunion.com is growing very healthy. 80% of the customer are new to westernunion.com or digital world, to account based electronic banking world.
Pour ne pas perdre de clients, WU doit baisser ses prix sur certains couloirs mais continue à développer son réseau :
Western Union a écrit :
The other thing I wanted to ask is, pricing is just one of the levers we look at to grow the business, so we’ll continue to add locations where we’ll promote the brand, we’ll continue to enhance the offering, but we do know with pricing to your point, from historical experience, we get more customers, we get more transactions, it will be a little bit painful on the revenue in the profits in 2013, but we expect to return to revenue growth and profit growth in 2014. But the goal is to get more transactions, more customers into the franchise and we know how to do it and we’ve got a proven model behind now.
Les difficultés de WU sont dues entre autre au respect de certains règles de conformité, auxquelles tôt ou tard les concurrents devront aussi faire face :
Western Union a écrit :
[A propos de 7000 agents au Mexique] They couldn’t apply our compliance standards which I believe in the future will be also industry standard runs that has been implemented, couldn’t do that to the Western Union standard.
Now we are spending about $100 million in compliance, we have a lot of money and we are spending in the right place and we have to do that and don’t forget also that this standards we are upgrading our compliance. It’s a global standard also then. And if you want to enter into global cost for the money transfer services, there are some standards you have to feel that comply with the regulatory environment and see that as a competitive advantage. Not many companies can enter in that market that easily without having that. And that’s why we are investing. It’s a good investment. We believe it will be competitive advantage and also applying with regulatory environment, definitely we have some work to catch up and we are doing it and but as an industry leader, in this sector, obviously we set the standards hopefully.
A propos du B2B et de l’acquisition de Travelex Global Business Payments en 2011 :
Western Union a écrit :
I am remind everyone is that we do have only 2% market share, though I believe that we have the biggest non-bank money B2B provider globally and our goal is to expanding here rapidly
WU facture assez cher ses prestations et parfois bcp trop cher par rapport à la concurrence d’où l’ajustement à la baisse des prix dans certains couloirs pour éviter l’érosion de la clientèle :
Western Union a écrit :
That dramatic sudden change has to do with our Vigo reset, our compliance issues and the Latin America corridor and we had to react to that immediately because we are losing, I’ll give you another example. One of our competitors publicly give some numbers and they are growing in this corridor 19%. We envy them. and we are losing in this corridor, minus 20%. So there is a gap of 40% losing customers. And we had to react here immediately. That’s the part of that.
Yes, if you just look at something like a US to Mexico, many of the competitive landscape including (inaudible) Vigo were probably with that $8 or $9, $10 range. Our flagship brand Western Union has probably $15 to send $300 to $500, that’s probably a 50% premium that’s just too much in the marketplace.
Les futurs rachats d’actions devraient être massifs, compte-tenu du cours de l’action jugé anormalement bas :
Western Union a écrit :
Plus, we have a $750 million authorization for the next 13 months and stock is underperformed, Ashwin definitely and undervalued, this company has future, I believe on that and we’re going to accelerate our self-buyback. Ashwin, we have the authorization, we’re going to accelerate because $12 or $13 worth of stock prices, I don’t know is far undervalued, it should be there.
Source : The Western Union Company Presents at Citi Financial Technology Conference (Transcript) | Seeking Alpha
Globalement nous n’apprenons pas grand chose, sinon que pour l’heure, les mauvais résultats récents ne sont pas tant du à une possible rupture technologique, mais bien à la concurrence sur certains couloirs. Non seulement WU est trop cher sur certains couloirs et doit baisser ses prix, mais en plus a du investir pour respecter certaines règles de conformité. D’où la baisse de l’estimé de profit 2013 mais qui devrait revenir dans les clous en 2014.