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#51 29/05/2024 15h06

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Vous connaissez les banques scandinaves ? DNB Bank a l’air solide a premiere vue

D’accord avec vous pour la Raffaisen et similaires . Je signale l’emission c’est tout

La meilleure des hybrides ce mois-ci me semble être l’obligation IG  Fidelidade 7.75% euros PTFIDAOM0000 mais 200k euro min.
Notre ami Tssm l’a appréciée et nommée "club med" ! message 263 de la file perps

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#52 30/05/2024 03h01

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Sissi, je ne suis malheureusement pas très au fait sur ces banques nordiques.

En règle générale je préfère les obligations de grosses banques systémiques : à mon sens leur profil de risque est plus faible car en cas de difficultés les autorités agissent plus tôt et vont pousser à des opérations de reprise/renforcement. C’est aussi plus facile à suivre en terme d’actualité au jour le jour vu qu’elles sont sous l’oeil des médias.

La Fidelidade me semble une belle affaire, je crois que j’en aurais pris si j’avais encore du budget à allouer.

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#53 31/05/2024 11h45

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Le 27 mai j’avais écrit au message 46 de la file nouvelle opportunités la nouvelle emission de
GRENKE Finance 5.75% 2029 notée BBB ISIN: XS2828685631

Effectivement IB a change ce matin-là min de 100k pour du 1k euro- SAUF qu’il y a un bug…. qui devrait être solutionne bientôt

Grenke Finance PLC 5,75% 24/29 Bond | A3LY39 | XS2828685631 | Price

Vu la notation il me semble que c’est une opportunité en 1k versus la nouvelle Roumanie 5.625% 2037 BBB-

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#54 04/06/2024 18h13

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Ce soir sur Stuttgart

XS2831585786    Bertrand Franchise Finance SAS    EUR    6,50% 18.07.2030 tranche ?
XS2831749481    Bertrand Franchise Finance SAS    EUR    7,53% 18.07.2030 tranche ?

France-Based Restaurateur Bertrand Franchise S.A.S. Rated ’B’ ; Outlook Stable
We assigned our ’B’ long-term issuer credit rating to Bertrand Franchise and our ’B’ issue rating to the group’s senior secured notes, with a ’3’ recovery rating.

Bertrand Franchise through its operating subsidiary, Bertrand Franchise Finance, plans to raise €1.15 billion of notes to refinance €665 million notes (due 2026) and €235 million pay-if-you-can notes (due 2027) at Burger King France (issued by Burger King France and MidCo, respectively), and about €200 million of debt at Bertrand Casual and the holding company. T

The stable outlook reflects our expectation that sound revenue growth, fueled by rapid store expansion mainly through the franchise model, and an above-average S&P Global Ratings-adjusted EBITDA margin of 32.0%-33.0% should enable adjusted leverage to get closer to 6.0x by 2025; and that FOCF after lease payments will continue to rise in 2024-2025 despite elevated capex.

S&P Global Ratings

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#55 07/06/2024 11h50

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BPCE S.A. 5,375% 2031 en GBP min 100K : s’achete sous le pair , emise a 99.303%, Baa1/BBB+/A.
ISIN: FR001400QIH3
BPCE S.A. 5,375% 24/31 Bond | A3LZK0 | FR001400QIH3 | Price

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#56 30/06/2024 00h40

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1.Nouvelle emission PICARD  min 100K ?

Picard €1.225b 5NC2 6.375%, 5NC1 FRN E+362.5 Priced​

EU650m 5NC2 Fixed (July 1, 2029) at Par to Yield 6.375%
Guidance 6.5% area, IPT high 6%s
Benchmark: DBR 0% 08/15/29
Spread +399
Coupon: 6.375%, semi-annual
Issuer: Picard Groupe SAS (PICSUR)
CoC 101, MWC B+50 until July 1, 2026, tax changes call
Equity Clawback: up to 40% until July 1, 2026 at 106.375
Standard Call: July 1, 2026 at 103.1875; July 1, 2027 at 101.59375; July 1, 2028 at 100
ISIN: XS2852969356 (144a); XS2852970016 (Reg S)
See security information: 5Y Fixed 144A, 5Y Fixed Reg S
EU575m 5NC1 FRN (July 1, 2029) at Par
Guidance 3mE+375a (+/-12.5), IPT 3mE +low 400s
Coupon: 3mE+362.5, quarterly
Issuer: Lion/Polaris Lux 4 SA (PICSUR)
CoC 101, MWC, tax changes call
Standard Call: July 1, 2025 at 101; July 1, 2026 at 100
ISIN: XS2852970446 (144a); XS2852970529 (Reg S)
See security information: 5Y FRN 144A, 5Y FRN Reg S
Ratings: B2/B/BB-
Format: 144A/Reg S, senior secured


Upcoming Issue: CMA CGM June 27, 2024 min 100k ?
Upcoming Issue: CMA CGM

Dernière modification par sissi (30/06/2024 00h56)

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#57 03/07/2024 11h50

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La nouvelle Picard est arrivée sur Francfort notée B
Picard Groupe S.A.S. 6,375% 24/29 ISIN: XS2852970016
Picard Groupe S.A.S. 6,375% 24/29 Bond | A3L0V1 | XS2852970016 | Price

Je ne vois pas encore la CMA CGM mieux notée BB+

Je me souviens que c’était des tranches de 50k du temps ou je les avais en portefeuille - la c’est du 100k

Pour ceux qui aiment les petits coupons il y a une Imperial Brands 1.75% mars 2033 a 80% XS2320459063 min 100k euros
Je la vois sur IB mais pas sur
Pour 81000 euros ca prend 28k euros de cash - pas a acheter avec marge vu ce coupon rikiki!
La LTV accordée permet juste de voir comment IB la considère

CMA CGM se trouve sur IB maintenant coupon de 5.5% 2029 min 100k euros
ISIN XS 2852136816

Dernière modification par sissi (03/07/2024 12h05)

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#58 03/07/2024 12h15

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Picard, c’est LBO sur LBO, je ne pense pas que ce soit de la "bonne" dette.

Parrain Interactive Brokers (par MP) - Déclaration fiscale IBKR Degiro Trade Republic  - Parrain Qonto (par MP) -- La bible des obligations

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#59 03/07/2024 12h54

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Ouais elle était bien mieux notée dans le temps…

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Favoris 1    1    #60 04/07/2024 08h57

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Sur le couple taux/rating, je suis pas très excité par la PICARD, il y a mieux à faire

Sur PICARD, on est B2 pour 6,375% échéance 2029 (par 100k EUR)

La même semaine, on a du BBB sur IWG pour 6,5% échéance 2030 (par 100k EUR)

IWG US Finance LLC 6,5% 2030 notée BBB ISIN: XS2848652272 min 100k euros
IWG US Finance LLC 6,5% 24/30 Bond | A3L0PP | XS2848652272 | Price
"largest provider of serviced flexible offices and co-working spaces, serving here-to-stay remote working. Its sizeable and diversified global operations span 120 countries and over 3,500 locations." … 14-06-2024

Moi, je suis forcement sur la seconde (thanks REINATO54!)….

Retired since 2010

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#61 04/07/2024 09h20

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OUI cette IWG je l’avais mise dans la file petite tranche - juste avant de voir que c’était une 100k au message 4255 le 28 juin …
Mea culpa ! Desolée …

Quel genre de LTV ?

Nouvelle emission IG

FWD Group Holdings 7,635%  02.07.2031 min 200k USD notée BBB- - pas une sub…
"FWD Group is a multinational insurance company based in Hong Kong. Founded in 2013 as the insurance arm of Pacific Century Group, FWD Group sells life and medical insurance, general insurance and employee benefits in Asia."
ISIN XS2850435731
A3L0N7 | FWD Group Holdings-Anleihe: 7,635 % bis 02.07.2031 |

NEW ISSUE CORPORATE HY EUR: CECONOMY AG BB-/BB 5NC2 Price talk: 6.25% area (+/- 12.5bps) yield
Effectivement sortie a 6.25% call 15.07 2026 ISIN XS2854329104
Ceconomy AG is an international retail company headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. Its history goes back to the Metro Group. Ceconomy operates more than 1,000 consumer electronics stores in twelve countries. In addition to MediaMarkt and Saturn, the group owns Deutsche Technikberatung. … 6-25-24-29

Dernière modification par sissi (04/07/2024 10h31)

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1    #62 04/07/2024 10h51

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La FWD est bien une sub… mais pas une perp, c’est une "senior sub", le détail des conditions est sur BondSupermart (le site est excellent soit dit en passant)

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#63 13/07/2024 11h37

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Nouvelle emission IG ce matin sur MAIS min 150k USD

AerCap Ireland Capital DAC/AerCap Global Aviation Trust 6,950%  10.03.2055
ISIN US00774MBK09 emetteur BBB+ BAA1
A3L1H1 | AerCap Ireland Capital DAC-AerCap Global Aviation Trust-Anleihe: 6,950 % bis 10.03.2055 |

En sortant toute les obligations d’Aercap j’ai observe que ce sont toutes des tranches de min 150k
La chose bizarre c’est que IB me donne un coupon de 9.2281% pour la 2055 avec call en 2029 Isin US00774MBK0 notée Baa2, BBB-
Pas de 6.95 % 2055 pourtant c’est bien l’Isin US00774MBK09

Fixed Income Investors :: AerCap Holdings N.V. (AER)

NEW ISSUE JR SUBORDINATED USD: AerCap Ireland Capital Designated Activity Company and AerCap Global Aviation Trust Baa1/BBB+/BBB 30.75NC5.5 YIELD TALK; 7.375%
Isser:AerCap Ireland Capital Designated Activity Company and AerCap Global Aviation Trust
Guarantees:Fully and unconditionally guaranteed on an unsecured junior subordinated basis by AerCap Holdings N.V., AerCap Aviation Solutions B.V., AerCap Ireland Limited, International Lease Finance Corporation and AerCap U.S. Global Aviation LLC
Expected Security Ratings:*Baa2 / BBB- / BB+ (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch)
Issuer Ratings:Baa1 / BBB+ / BBB (Moody’s / S&P / Fitch)
Security:Fixed-Rate Reset Junior Subordinated Notes due 2055 (the “Notes”)
Format:SEC Registered
Size:$ Benchmark
IPTs:7.375% area
Denominations $150,000 x $1,000
Maturity Date:March 10, 2055
First Reset Date:March 10, 2030
Interest Payment Dates:March 10 and September 10, commencing March 10, 2025
Interest Rate:[ ]% from and including the original issuance date to, but excluding the First Reset DateFrom and including the First Reset Date, during each Reset Period, at a rate per annum equal to the Five-year U.S. Treasury Rate as of the most recent Reset Interest Determination Date plus a spread of [ ]%, to be reset on each Reset Date.
Optional Redemption:
(i) In whole or in part in the 90 days prior to the First Reset Date, and on any interest payment date subsequent to the First Reset Date, at 100% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest(ii) in whole but not in part, within 120 days following a Rating Agency Event, at 102% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest(iii) in whole but not in part, upon a Tax Event, at 100% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest
Use of Proceeds:
General corporate purposes, which may include the redemption of all or a portion of Holdings’ 2079 Junior Subordinated Notes on October 10, 2024, which is the first call date in respect of such notes
Optional Deferral:
Cumulative optional deferral for up to 20 consecutive semi-annual Interest Payment Dates (up to 10 consecutive years per optional deferral period)
Dividend Stopper:Included
Expected Listing:Global Exchange Market of Euronext Dublin

Governing LawState of New York
CUSIP/ISIN: 00774MBK0 / US00774MBK09
Settlement Date:July 11, 2024 (T+3)

Dernière modification par sissi (13/07/2024 12h13)

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1    #64 18/09/2024 14h21

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Nouvelle emission : coupon final ?

senior secured
REGS ISIN / COMMON CODE XS2900445375 / 290044537 144A ISIN / COMMON CODE XS2900445615 / 290044561
Merci au forum de voisins! … start=1245

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1    #65 23/09/2024 09h13

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Arrivée sur Stuttgart ce matin

XS2900445375    AccorInvest Group S.A.    EUR    6,38%    23.09.2024    15.10.2029

ACCORINVEST 24/29 REGS | A3L3ZA | Börse Stuttgart (XSTU)

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1    #66 24/09/2024 09h53

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Pour ceux qui ont des obligations du Salvador conseil pro :

"CAC Sov Strategy: Given the constructive backdrop for EM credit, we reassess our Underweight ratings. We upgrade Panama to Market Weight while reaffirming El Salvador at Underweight, and recommend switching out of ELSALV 8.25% 2032s into SURINM 7.95% 2033s and BAHAMA 8.95% 2032s."
Anleihenboard - Anmelden

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1    #67 24/09/2024 10h29

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Pour information la Bahamas en question ( USP06518AH06 ), a un minimum de 200k$ et c’est 100k$ pour la SURINM 7.95%, alors que minimum est de 10k$ pour El Salvador.

Parrain Interactive Brokers (par MP) - Déclaration fiscale IBKR Degiro Trade Republic  - Parrain Qonto (par MP) -- La bible des obligations

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#68 26/09/2024 09h37

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Nouvelle emission cross mais min 200 k USD (casino NY)

Genting New York LLC/Genny Cap 7,250% 2029 call 2026 notée BB+, BBB-
A3L2AV | Genting New York LLC-Genny Cap-Anleihe: 7,250 % bis 01.10.2029 |

n assigning its rating on the notes, the proceeds of which will be utilized to refinance Genting’s existing US$525 million senior unsecured notes due 2026 and to repay a US$175 million secured term loan, Fitch said it continues to rate Genting New York a notch below Genting Malaysia although this rating could be further weakened pending the result of the Genting group’s bid to win a full New York casino license.

Genting Malaysia?s New York subsidiaries to raise US$1.45 billion via notes issue, new credit facility – IAG

Dernière modification par sissi (26/09/2024 13h13)

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#69 27/09/2024 18h20

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Réputation :   63  


Suite au message N°66 de Sissi…
Vente    USP01012BX31 (SV GOVT 8.625 Feb28’29) EL SALVADOR - 5 ex à 97.4390- PV +11.38%

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#70 27/09/2024 18h29

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Thanks Gapitaine … vous me rassurez que mes posts peuvent etre utiles ha !

Ce soir sur Stuttgart

Sable International Finance Ltd    USD    7,13 % 2032 notée BB-
Isin USG77636AE14
"The proceeds from the notes will be used to partially redeem C&W’s existing senior secured and unsecured notes due in 2027."
La 2027 étant une 200k min je suppose que cette nouvelle obligation sera du 200k de min USD … 24-09-2024

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#71 28/09/2024 12h50

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 Hall of Fame 

Du JUNK : il y a mieux dans les Tier !

Cimpress  7,375% 2032 notée B+ boite irlandaise min 150K USD
ISIN US17186HAH57 144 A + Regs Isin ?
A3L3MS | Cimpress-Anleihe: 7,375 % bis 15.09.2032 | … s-due-2032

Dernière modification par sissi (28/09/2024 13h16)

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#72 10/10/2024 12h48

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 Hall of Fame 

Nouvelle emission MLP Group SA Ba2, BB+

MLP Group S.A. EO-Bonds 2024(24/29) 6.10% Euro
ISIN  XS2914001750 min 100k

MLP Group S.A. is a leading European logistics and industrial real estate platform. The Company successfully placed its first Eurobond offering in the international capital markets. All offered senior green notes were fully subscribed,

MLP Group S.A. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has priced its offering (the “Offering”) of €300 million aggregate principal amount of 6.125% senior green notes due 2029 (the “Notes”) at a price equal to 100.000% of the aggregate principal amount thereof. Interest will be payable semi-annually.

MLP Group S.A. announces pricing of Offering of Senior Green Notes due 2029 - MLP Group S.A.

MLP GRP 24/29 | A3L4D3 | Boerse Stuttgart (XSTU)

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