#1 19/03/2014 00h48
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Mauvaise nouvelle : ING va faire un call de son obligation perpétuelle XS0356687219 ( qui cotait il y a encore quelques mois à environ 104% ).
Ce call était prévisible vu que la banque pouvait se financer pour moins cher sur le marché mais du coup il reste très peu de perpétuelles bancaire intéressantes en EURO
ING Group announced today it will redeem the EUR 1.5 billion 8% ING Perpetual Hybrid Capital Securities per the call date of 18 April 2014, in line with ING’s goal to continuously optimize its capital structure and lower its funding costs. Holders of the securities (ISIN: XS0356687219) will be redeemed in full on the redemption date which is 18 April 2014.
In the capital structure of ING, the Tier 1 hybrid will be replaced by the EUR 1.5 billion 3.625% CRD-IV eligible Tier 2 securities that were successfully issued in February 2014
Source : ING to call EUR 1.5 billion 8% Hybrid per 18 April 2014 | ING | Press release
Mots-clés : xs0356687219
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