Le holding hollandais de la famille Van der Vorms, HAL Trust, a publié des résultats 2022 sans panache :
Net income of HAL Holding N.V. for 2022 amounted to € 647 million (€ 7.37 per share) compared with € 4,270 million (€ 48.68 per share) for 2021. This decrease is primarily due to the capital gain of € 3.5 billion realized on the sale of the 76.72% ownership interest in GrandVision in 2021.
Au cours actuel, on a un PER de 16,6.
Légère baisse de la NAV "officielle" en tenant compte des dividendes versés :
The net asset value based on the market value of the quoted companies and the liquid portfolio and on the book value of the unquoted companies, increased by € 220 million in 2022. After taking into account the cash portion of the 2021 dividend (€ 247 million) and the sale of treasury shares (€ 3 million), the net asset value amounted to € 13,087 million (€ 147.72 per share) on December 31, 2022, compared to € 13,111 million (€ 151.22 per share) on December 31, 2021.
Mais c’est une NAV qui n’est pas réévaluée :
The net asset value does not include the positive difference between estimated value and book value of the unquoted companies as of December 31, 2022. This difference is calculated annually and, based on the principles and assumptions set out in the annual report, amounted to € 358 million (€ 4.04 per share) on December 31, 2022, compared with € 691 million (€ 7.97 per share) on December 31, 2021
En réalité, l’ANR est donc de 147,72+4,04 en 2022 vs 151,2+7,97 en 2021.
Concernant Boskalys, détenu à présent à 100% :
Revenues for 2022 amounted to € 3,578 million (2021: € 2,957 million). Net income for 2022 amounted to € 241 million (2021: €151 million). At the end of 2022 the order book of the company amounted to € 6.1 billion compared to € 5.4 billion at the end of 2021.
Le holding a toujours une trésorerie positive (2,3 Md€) et avant son rachat, Boskalys avait également une trésorerie nette positive.
Financièrement, HAL Trust est donc très solide, mais ses activités sont cycliques, et le portefeuille d’actifs concentré (Boskalys, Vopak…) .
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